September 21, 2020


The weather had really changed.  This is supposed to be the last official full day of summer but it really feels like fall.  For the last couple of days the wind had been consistent and quite blustery while the temperature had dropped dramatically.  When I say dramatically I mean we are in the low eighties now and no longer in the mid to upper nineties.  It is downright pleasant outside now.  The cloud cover that is hanging around only makes it more desirable to be outside, or at a minimum, stay in the room with the door wide open.


Again, there are no NBA games tonight.  Game four of the Eastern Conference was pushed back another two days to align more with the Western Conference.  Our game three is tomorrow night.


Being as we have officially put away the whiffle ball equipment we met at 12:30 pm for several games of pickle ball.  As stated earlier the wind was whipping around pretty good.  That didn’t stop us from attempting some competitive pickling.  It was quite frustrating nonetheless as the lucky wind-aided volleys completely outnumbered the skillful shots that turned into unforced errors.  Either way, the blustery conditions favored no one but made the game a tad more difficult.  I think we spent more time running through the parking lot chasing errant balls than exercising within the boundaries of the court lines taped upon the pavement.  But hey, we were out there for exercise and we were getting plenty of that.


After showering and taking care of pub business I crashed upon my bed for a few Shameless episodes.  I am pretty sure there are ten seasons of that show and I just completed season five. It is a little embarrassing though when anyone walks past my room with my door wide open and the television on while one of the numerous sex scenes that are incumbent in the show is boldly being displayed.  Oftentimes that causes the people to slow down a bit and try to catch a glimpse at what I am watching.  Then they glance at me and continue. 


While getting ready to head out for dinner another wonderful email popped up.  We get to golf again on Wednesday.  I quickly reached out to the other guys to sign up for the 7:39 or 7:30 teem times then got a response immediately from one of our greenies that likes to sleep in.  “Is that 7:30 in the morning or at night?”  I said there are not any lights on the course so of course it is in the morning.  “Godspeed” was his reply.  I guess we can count him out this time.


Our TNT sponsored dinner at Rix couldn’t have been more appreciated.  Most of us met around 7:00pm and couldn’t wait to peruse the menu and order our meals.  Even though the menu was somewhat limited it contained exactly what I needed to let me feel like a normal human being  waffle fries, and key lime pie for dessert.  Chicken was not going inside my belly.  We watched the basketball highlight shows that were being shown along with the pre-game show for the Monday Night Football broadcast from the Raiders’ new stadium in Las Vegas.  What a shame that beautiful structure won’t have a capacity crowd cheering on their newly relocated franchise. But such is our current condition. I don’t see this going on much longer, it can’t.  Please, it can’t.


Some of the guys hung around after their meal to watch the football game.  I was pretty tired from the pickle ball and my morning workout, plus I wanted to be outside absorbing the wonderful weather.  I felt an early night coming on knowing that sleep would come easy and uninterrupted.  When I got to my room I left the door wide open until I was ready to sleep.  If I were permitted to sleep with the door open I would.


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