September 25, 2020


I worked out for what I hoped was the final time in the fitness center.  Once again I was alone in the facility as our numbers had decreased and I think the others that utilized the gym must do it later in the day. I like to get my workout completed first thing in the morning so I can check the box and make it a priority not an afterthought. 

I decided to check out the pickle ball courts located in the parking lot on my way to grab a post workout beverage from the dining center.  There were three courts in operation and a few TNT folk were playing.  I decided to hang out and get in a few games.  I am glad I did.  I must have played five or six games before the number of people wanting to play grew too large after I had lost a game.  I didn’t want to sit out too many games in order to get back on the court as my body does not respond to rest as well as it did when I was half my age.  The longer I sit after playing a game, the longer it takes for me to loosen those muscles and joints back up and get back out there.  Plus, I swear, it felt like I had lost five pounds of water from my body.  My shorts were soaked through and I took off my shirt a while back.  I had grown tired of hanging sweat soaked clothing in my shower so with no shirt on that’s one less thing to try to dry out.

Following pickle ball a quick lunch was in order because we were having our final prayer meeting around 2:00pm.  I entered El Mercado (the name of our dining area) and grabbed some food to go and headed to the meeting and they hadn’t started so I was a bit relieved.  I don’t like being late but hey, we were kicking ass at the pickle ball court!

Most of the discussion revolved around the upcoming baseball bubble we were going to be entering shortly after departing Orlando.  Lots of speculation and second guessing what the MLB bubble would be like dominated the conversation. That went on for at least a half hour and I wanted to try to get the conversation back to what I thought it had been intended.  Plus the weather was superb outdoors and I wanted a couple of hours of pool time.  I needed to finish that damn Bolton book.   I had completed about three quarters of his writings and wanted to get it finished.  As you can tell, I like to fill my schedule dammit!

I had mentioned before that I am not a religious person but attending these meetings with my friends had kind of grown on me.  Having discussions with co-workers about topics other than work related issues is enjoyable.  Plus it’s a great opportunity to share and perhaps receive insight from others than one may not find by themselves.  Anyway, I brought up something I had noticed since we had started getting together.  I noticed that the nearer we got to departing from the bubble, issues that had caused us great stress and worry had seemed to decrease.  I asked if anyone else felt that way.  Some stated that issues involving other individuals that had already left us may have played a part in the stress and worry reduction while others replied that perhaps God had listened to our prayers and he had a hand in making our lives a little easier.  It gave me pause to consider that opinion. 

We left our meeting promising to check in on each other once in a while to see how each was doing when our bubble times were finished.  I know personally that there are two individuals I want to communicate with to help with personal issues if they want it, or at least to encourage them on the path that want to pursue.  We all need someone to lean on, don’t we? 

As previously mentioned the weather was awesome again today.  I grabbed a rum and coke and my book and bolted for the pool.  I found a nice spot (there were many as the area was practically empty) and began to read my book and soaked up as much autumn Orlando sun as I could manage.  Was this my last day by the pool?  Damn, I get too damn sentimental when I realize the end of something is nearing.  Goodbye little lizards that check up on me.  Goodbye cleaning people that come by every so often.  Goodbye to the few that are enjoying what I am enjoying.  Damn nostalgia…

Before I left the pool I received a notice on my phone that the long awaited Delta Heavy launch that had been scheduled for around midnight tonight was postponed for twenty four hours.  That was good news in the fact that I would be able to get a good night of sleep tonight but the bad news is if it does go off tomorrow night at the same time that may interfere with us striking our equipment when the Lakers close out the series.  Notice how I am having great faith in Los Angeles?  If in fact we are in the middle of strike, I will go outside to watch the launch.  I had waited way too long to see that rocket lift off and I am not going to miss it.

The day just kept getting better.  I got another text message on my phone that Lisa, yet another Turner employee that was inside the bubble but I think was working for ESPN during this stint, had made a batch of homemade lasagna for anyone that wanted it.  Lasagna is my all-time favorite meal.  In fact, when my wife Deidre and I visited Italy five years ago, and this is no joke, every meal that we ate outside of our hotel, I ordered lasagna.  There are so many variations of lasagna that it was a different meal each time I ordered it.  Anyway, I picked up the meal from her room and it was delicious.  I don’t know how she was able to make that in her room but it capped off a perfect day.  I damn near licked the paper plate clean in order to eat each and every morsel. Thank you, Lisa.

About a month ago did a story about my life in the bubble. Today they were gracious enough to promote my blog.  Here is the link to that promotion:

Boston did to Miami what I don’t want Denver to do to the Lakers.  The Celtics extended their series with a relatively easy victory over the Heat giving them two victories to Miami’s three.  Boston extended their life in the bubble for at least two more days when they square off for game six on Sunday.  I want that series to go seven because I picked the Celtics win the Eastern Conference.  I blew it with the Western Conference when the Clippers folded against the Nuggets.

The night did not end well for me or my wife.  She checked in with me before I crawled into bed and her frustration with my absence had taken over.  I felt helpless as I listened to the sadness in her voice and in my typical male fashion I tried to fix the situation or justify rather than just listening. We almost got to the point of arguing about the situation.  It’s bad enough that I may not be able to leave here on Sunday but the upcoming departure to San Diego guaranteed to occur next Friday only compounded our two and a half month separation. I will not be able to repay her for her support during this experiment.  Ever.


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